Big Boy, Manistique, Michigan
Drizzling rain, sunshine, followed by wind and rain. That's the story of our forty-five miles today as we pedaled from Escanaba, Michigan to Manistique, Michigan. This is Day 32 of our ride across America and we've pedaled 2,040.45 miles and have approximately 1,523,02 miles remaining. In future blogs I will indicate mileage with 2,040.45/1,523.02. The number on the left is the miles we've pedaled. The number on the right is the approximate mileage remaining. In 2009, I did this ride in fifty-one days. If that works out this trip, we've got nineteen days of pedaling to go. We'll see what happens in the days ahead.
We left Gale and the RV in Escanaba to have a water leak repaired. Margaret, Phil, and I headed east toward Manistique around 9:30. The shoulder was real good all the way but the weather was fickle. We had a variety of weather that resulted in riding in rain gear, changing to no rain gear, and changing back to rain gear. The sky was rumbling as we neared Manistique but no lightning was seen. We loaded up and finished our ride at a convenience store right outside Manistique and headed to Big Boy which, at one time, was a Frisch's Big Boy. Now, instead of the original Big Boy outside, we were greeted by a moose in Big Boy clothing. Great greeter, great lunch.As Phil and I pedal, we continue to be entertained by what has become our favorite bird of the ride, the Red-winged Blackbird. They are everywhere! And they are noisy I'm not sure if they are just happy birds or are telling us to get out of their territory. After reading the following information online, I think they're telling us to get out of their territory:
You can find Red-winged Blackbirds in the breeding season by visiting cattail marshes and other wetlands, or simply by watching telephone wires on a drive through the country. Where there’s standing water and vegetation, Red-winged Blackbirds are likely to be one of the most common birds you see and hear. Listen for the male’s conk-la-lee!song. In winter, search through mixed-species blackbird flocks and be careful not to overlook the streaky, brown females, which can sometimes resemble a sparrow. Male Red-winged Blackbirds fiercely defend their territories during the breeding season, spending more than a quarter of daylight hours in territory defense. He chases other males out of the territory and attacks nest predators, sometimes going after much larger animals, including horses and people.
When we stopped to photograph the blue barn yesterday, we must have been in breeding territory. I noticed cattails and swampy-looking areas next to the road but what I noticed most of all were the Red-winged Blackbirds flying around and over us and, at the same time, squawking like crazy. I think they wanted us . . . gone. Other times and at other places as we pedaled, we were escorted by little black fighter jets overhead for a few minutes until they peeled off and went back to their homes. Sure am glad we wear helmets!
Creation is incredible! Take a look around and you will find unbelievable and incredible things you can never understand. You just have to stand in awe and say, "Only God." Look at Genesis 1 and read the creation account and you'll find in verses 20 and 21 these verses pertaining to birds: And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky. So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind."
There you have it! Creatures that actually live in and under the water and feathered creatures that fly high above the earth and often nest in trees. Then there are elephants, chameleons, porcupines, chickens, panda bears, turtles, giraffes, field mice, and many other curious and fascinating creatures. But in all of creation, God's most valued and treasured creation is You!
Don't forget that!
I found a Wisconsin license plate yesterday and two Michigan license plates today. I'm caught up on all my license plates!
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